Monday, January 31, 2011

Assignment 1 - January 31, 2011

"Canada's economy grows more than expected", an article written by Paul Vieira captivates me immediately when I scanned through the Financial Post Website. I was still thinking we're in an economic low, in result of the aftermath of the recession. However, according to the article, our performance in November is reported to be in its strongest performance. The one statistics that got me really surprised was the increase in the service-sector. Subsequent to the HST kicking in, I'd think the service sector, especially food will decrease. However there is still a slight increase. I guess HST is not affecting us that bad. As the article highlights, this growth  may be "short-lived". The short bounce from our economic low may not last. Although the government always wants to boost our economy, they keep making rules that will cool it. Isn't that a little self-contradictory?

Market Expectations - Predictions that were made by investors
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
Sector - Different parts; industries

(i couldn't find 10... so the other 7 is economic terms that i find interesting)
Black Economy -  Activities that were not recorded in the tax system
Hedging - Protection against risk
Human Capital - Accumulated skills, expertise, and knowledge of workers
Phillips Curve - Relationship between unemployment and inflation
Placebo - Inactive Procedure
Normative - Based of value judgements
Green Taxes - Taxes imposed to improve the environment